Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Introduction of the Pilot Family Part 1: Mark's 1st daughter

Mr.Pilot is in charge of the entire household, 35 years old, Boeing 747 Pilot, his actual name is Mark Pilot. At 15 years old, he became very interested in flying airplanes and decided that at 18, that would be his job when he got out of college. He started doing lots of research on airplanes and piloting in high school, when he was 23 years old he met his first wife Samantha Emms, they decided that into 2 years of marriage they'd try for a baby. their baby's name was Sara Pilot, born a baby girl, she had brown curly hair and Mark absoultely adored her. But sadly, when Sara was 5 years old she lost her mother due to a heart attack, and both Mark, and Sara were devastated. Sara spent weeks in her room crying refusing to go to school, and Mark claimed Sara was sick for 2 weeks because he was too upset to force Sara to go to school. Mark thought about suicide but then he realized that his daughter Sara still needed him and so he decided he would stay alive for Sara, and everybody else who loved him. After all, Sara was only 5 and he didn't wanna damage her childhood anymore that it already was. When Sara was 11, Mark decided that he couldn't live in California anymore because of all the shootings and killings there. So he decided to find an apartment for sale in Miami Florida, he found an 8 story apartment building for sale and thought he'd go with that, but sadly for Sara she didn't wanna move, she wanted to stay where she lived. she had lots of great friends at her school and loved where she lived already, but Mark refused due to safety issues. when they got to Florida, in August 2012, they got settled in, 2 weeks later when school started back up Mark came into Sara's room when Sara was asleep. He woke her up and reminded her that school was starting back up and today was her first day of school, Sara got out of bed and complained how badly she wanted to move back to California, when Sara got to school she tried to look at the bright side of things, she was starting middle school up so she wouldn't be considered a new student to the rest of her classmates, she saw an 11 year old girl, Rhianna with blonde hair and dark pink lipstick on talking to one of her best friends, Sara thought "It wouldn't hurt to ask to be her friend" Sara walked up to Rhianna and asked if they could be friends Rhianna replied with a harsh "No, why would anybody wanna be friends with an ugly loser like you? get lost!" after 2 days of tormenting Sara had enough and told Mark about the bullying, he said he'd have a meet up with the principal about the bullying. The next day at school they were all sitting in the principals office, Mark wasn't too happy because he had to convince his boss to take a day off to cater to his daughter Sara, in his pilot uniform he sat there furious with Rhianna, the principal said "So what seems to be the problem here Sara?" Sara replied with "Rhianna pushed and shoved me in the hallway, calling me a fat ugly loser and saying nobody would wanna be friends with an ugly loser like me" The principal glared at Rhianna and said "Now Rhianna is that true?" Rhianna thought inside her head "What am I gonna do? they've got me! Wait I have the perfect plan! Act innocent to get me out of trouble! I'm already being abused at home and I don't need to get abused some more for bullying Sara!" Rhianna cried "No! I would never do anything like that! I don't know what she's talking about, I didn't do a thing to Sara!" Mark already frustrated didn't stop to think how suspicous Rhianna was being with her cutesy and innocent tone, not paying attention he yelled at Sara "Sara! How dare you! I got off work just to find out you lied about being bullied! That's it! You're grounded!" the principal suspended Sara for 2 days for lying. Later that night when Sara got home she self harmed thinking "Why me? I thought I was daddy's girl what happened to me being daddy's girl!" as she slit her wrists harshly. She was upset about being bullied, leaving her old home, and where her mom's remains laid, she cried herself to sleep. The next day Sara thought "What was I thinking? slitting my wrists. My dad could see those and ground me for longer for hurting myself like this! I need to wear a sweater; hopefully that'll help!" She gets to school and walks around with bandaids on her cuts, with the sweater over it, Rhianna walks up to her and says "Oh my god! what a loser! Wearing a sweater? in the Summer time! hahahahaha!" then she starts beating Sara up,  then drags Sara to the bathroom where she then proceeds to do her business in the toilet and stuff Sara's face in it. Sara got washed up and walked out into the hallway where Mark holds Rhianna, kisses her, and says "You're like a daughter to me Rhianna" Rhianna almost bursts out crying in tears of joy and thinks "My father punched me into the wall last night and said I'm an ugly dissapointment, I've never been treated with such kindness!" Sara's eyes filled with tears as she ran off crying hystrically, as she says "I was right! I was replaced! Now my dad doesn't even care! nobody cares anymore!" When Sara got home she was thinking about everything that has been happening, she's being bullied, she thinks her dad doesn't love her anymore, she lost her mom at a young age, she had to move away from home. she couldn't take it anymore. she started writing her suicide note. "Dear dad, I'm sorry about this but I can't take being alive anymore, don't be upset, I'm just an ugly waste of space, nobody likes me or cares about me, I can't stand that mom is gone, I can't stand that we moved away from home, I liked going outside on the porch with the beautiful view with mom's grave sitting beside me, why did you have to do this to me daddy? you love Rhianna now, that's fine, but you can only love one girl, it's time for me to say goodbye, bye dad.. I'm gonna jump from the balcony if you're curious where my dead body will be" Sara cried really hard thinking how big of a move it is to commit suicide, but she thought to herself "I have to do it" it was night and her dad was asleep, she pushed the balcony door open as she stepped outside she looked over the balcony and saw the road beneath her, with cars and a bunch of skyscrapers, Sara threw herself over the 8th floor balcony and saw how fast she was falling to the ground, her life ended before her eyes, where she laid in her own pool of blood. Her dad heard the loud thump and woke up and said "What was that?" he went into Sara's room checking if she was ok, he saw that she wasn't in her bed and he yelled "Sara? Are you okay?" he saw the letter, he opened it and read the meaningful suicide note, he screamed "SARA!" he ran out to the balcony and saw Sara deceased on the road, he screamed bloody murder and ran to the elevator and went to the 1st floor, he screamed "SARA! SOMEONE HELP! MY DAUGHTER JUMPED FROM UP THERE!" A crowd of people came running to Sara's dead body, and everyone was in shock to see an 11 year old girl dead on the ground, Mark was thinking Sara was still alive, he called 911 and the crime scene unit and ambulance came, they pronounced her dead at the scene, Mark was very devastated due to the loss of his daughter, he thought "How could I let this happen, she had her whole life ahead of her, and now she's gone." Mark started harming himself, and started taking anti-depression pills, 1 year later Mark finally stopped harming himself.